What's in it for schools?
“Working with our Genie has created a collaborative culture, which has replaced one of mistrust and toxicity. The genie has left a legacy of a superb professional, cultural and social capital and great results”
– Primary school headteacher
Having a Genie is a way of schools placing a focus on their main resource: staff.
Schools will be able to embed principles from The Trust Revolution, the Ethical Leadership Framework and Character Education into their staff ethos and their genie will bring enhanced staff wellbeing due to the change to a more collaborative and reciprocal culture.
This will impact positively on staff retention. The teachers who are happiest in their work feel that they are appreciated and that they have a voice in the workplace. Research shows that when teachers are happy they remain in post and when there is no interruption in teaching provision, students’ performance, security and attainment are enhanced.
A reduction in staff turnover will result in fewer expenses (in terms of time and money) from the recruitment process that is driven by teacher dissatisfaction. Of course, teachers who are empowered will continue to seek change through promotion. Personal development is at the heart of the ethos of the genie programme.
Schools that have a genie will also receive CPD for their Senior Leadership Team so that the impact of the genie can become part of the whole school’s development.
Genies create increasing emotional intelligence amongst the staff body and their work will be enhanced by their wider network of national and international genies and the research base which underpins all their work.
“The new [Post Covid 19] world will put staff first, rather than see them as just another dispensable resource. There might be a decade ahead of us which sees teachers become better trained, be better treated and better respected than we have ever seen. I certainly hope so.”
– John Tomsett, Head Teachers’ Round Table, quoted in the Guardian (05/05/2020)