What is a Genie?
“Working with our Genie helps to keep staff happy, healthy and functioning well”
– Headteacher, Worcester
A Genie is an existing member of staff who performs a similar role to an external coach but inside your school. They are people who are innately curious about those around them and are able to see the organisational system the school has created. They are those wise people who you seek out just to run something past, or when you need to offload and reset. They hold the wisdom and can help you unpick something in the most ethical way.
A Genie is a vessel of hope; they listen and really hear. Genies scaffold thinking and can offer up tools and concepts to really make a difference. Having a trained genie in your school is about empowering staff; they are expert in people and how they behave. Genies are trust builders, enabling school staff cultures where people want to stay.
A Genie serves all in a school. They understand confidentiality, boundaries, values and wisdom beyond any team or department confines. A Genie is a threshold to a different and kinder, more compassionate way of being. They are see-ers and be-ers not doers and fixers, they stand alongside you as you find your way.
“I love being able to look at my achievements and think “I did that”. I suffer with low confidence but my work with our genie is changing that. I feel empowered and much more in charge”
– Classroom Teacher, Manchester